Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Philippine Medical Mission 2013

Project Helping Hand (Plabo Victims) : Mission Day 1 Location:Brgy Kelagdeng, Laak, Compostel Valley, Mindanao. Population : 1500 people. Fatality caused by Typhoon Pablo: 11 victims. Over an hours drive from Tagum city, through rough roads we arrived at our destination with the army ensuring our security. Together with our counterparts, Angel Bridgade, Land Rover Club of Philippines, Geo Project Inc, Pusong Minero and local doctors and medical personnel, we spent over 4 hours screening and treating over 500 locals. Mostly were women, children and the elderly, suffering from mild illness and wounds. If it had not been raining since early this morning and has not stop yet, more people from other villagers would have turn up. The trail of destruction were obvious, coconut trees were partly shaved of it's leaves, trees uprooted, banana plants were toppled, some houses yet to have their roof fixed and a school building was badly damaged. It will take some time to rebuild what was blown away by this powerful typhoon that swept through this area a month ago. Today, we may not have reach many more people, but those who needed help, were helped, through our "Project Helping Hand" (Plabo Victims). Day 1 Mission Accomplished.

"Medic Mission" for Compostella Valley, involving the following:
(1) Angel Brigade Volunteers
(2) Isdanco Foundation
(3) Lapanday Agricultural and Dev't Corp.
(4) Land Rover Club of the Philippines (LRCP)
(5) LRCP Emergency Reaction Team
(6) Malaysia Elite Disaster Rescue Foundation (4×4 elite squad)
(7) Santa Fe Relocators
(8) The Joe Green Project
(9) ReliefPH Volunteers
(10) Pusong Minero
(11) Habitat for Humanity Philippines
(12) Air Asia Malaysia
(13) Air Asia Philippine
(14) Geoprojects Inc
(15) St. Augustine Gold & Copper Ltd.
(16) SGV & Co
(17) Marco Polo Hotel Davao
(18) ResourcesAdvisory

Thank you to those who sourced and moved the medicine and supplies bound for Mindanao this mission.